Jasmeen is a second year student, studying BSc (Hons) Psychology with Counselling Theory and she's making the most of her time at uni. She has really thrown herself into life in London and gets involved in everything there is to offer.
Let’s take a look into Jasmeen’s experience at UWL so far...

From the get-go, Jasmeen was ready to dive into every opportunity presented to her to create an amazing experience for herself at UWL. At the beginning of her journey, Jasmeen went along to Freshers Fair where she got to meet loads of societies, encouraging her to join some fantastic groups within the Students’ Union. The groups that have defined Jasmeen's experience so far are...
🎭 Drama Society
🏳️🌈 LGBTQ+ Society
💭 Psychology Society
After joining the Psychology Society, Jasmeen became a valued member of the committee and uses it to enhance her learning experience, as well as meeting students from all over the university who are interested in the same subject!
“Joining societies was a big thing for me, that changed my whole experience”
Jasmeen makes an effort to go to every event she can, to get to know people from the community around her at uni. She let us know how much fun she has getting involved and thrives on meeting new friends and just having fun!
The Students’ Union is so much more than events and activities, although these are important to your experience! Jasmeen has felt real support from the SU and everyone she meets. The staff will always go out of their way to make you feel welcome and can provide a whole range of support if you ever need it. We are ecstatic that Jasmeen feels such a strong sense of community here.
“I think the SU is about teamwork, it's so inclusive and it makes you feel at home. If you have any issues, you can talk to anybody that’s a part of the SU or even the Sabbatical Officers & they’re always there. The SU makes this idea that you are not alone. You always have support, that’s the best part of UWL. It’s genuinely for the students.”
Jasmeen is studying to become a psychologist and strives to be someone that people can really rely on and go to for support. She is clearly incredibly dedicated to her studies and learnt a lot from her lecturers and peers alike. Throughout her well-rounded experience at uni, Jasmeen’s confidence has continued to grow and has learnt how important it is to have faith in yourself:
“I would say my self-confidence and self-love has increased so much. I know it's okay, even if I don't know the solution right now, I'm going to work towards it, and I am going to find it.”
Speaking to Jasmeen made it clear how much someone’s time at university can be enriched by getting involved with events, activities, student groups and everything there is on offer. Jasmeen’s attitude and enthusiasm is inspiring and it’s incredible to see how much she has grown so far in journey.
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