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Meet Lili: Cheer & Rugby Committee

Updated: May 24, 2023

Lili is a Musical Theatre student, super dedicated to the sports clubs she’s joined at uni! She’s created an amazing community surrounding her to have fun with and support each other.

From the beginning of her journey to university, Lili knew she wanted to join a club; her main drive was to find a place to be herself & have fun, away from her studies. She’s found just that & gets to have a full uni experience inside & outside of her course. This creates an amazing balance between her studies & social life.

Lili is part of two clubs that she massively enjoys; Rugby & Cheerleading. Since first joining, she’s fallen in love with the sports in every aspect; the sense of community, improving her fitness and the social events put on by the groups! Committing to something that improves your health in a fun way has had a hugely positive impact on Lili.

“Training in rugby & cheer has given me strength I never knew I had. A lot of people don’t associate Cheer with power & strength, but I’ve really managed to find that.”

An amazing part of joining sports clubs is that you get to meet a whole group of people that have something in common & you can create such amazing, strong friendships. The teams organise different weekly socials for their members, that cater to everyone. This really gives the members the space to become close. Lili sees the teams as family; everyone builds up such a strong trust & you end up creating incredible bonds.

“Making friends has meant a lot to me! It gives me a space from academics & studying to spend time with people I can bond with on another level”

Now, in her second year, Lili is on both the Cheer & Rugby committee, throwing herself into the roles. She chose to run for committee to really get stuck in & gain experience that can help her in the future. She saw what past committees had been able to do to make her experience so great, and she wanted to get involved!

University holds so many amazing memories that you will hold onto for the rest of your life; one that will always stick out for Lili is winning Varsity! Being able to achieve something as a whole uni feels like you are creating a legacy and it makes everyone feel united. Lili is incredibly proud to have been involved as part of Cheerleading! She was able to support each team in their matches and create a positive, lively atmosphere for everyone there.

Lili has been able to find exactly where she belongs at UWL & has created a community around herself to have fun with & uplift each other! Being able to find a strong group of friends means that Lili is creating memories that will last her a lifetime.

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