Mehmet is a student at Drama Studio London, one of UWL’s partner institutions. He’s now in his second year, and it’s clear that acting is his passion. Mehmet is so in love with his course and how much he enjoys it radiates from him as he speaks.

Choosing a degree is a huge decision to make and one that you won’t be sure of until you experience the course. For Mehmet, he made the best decision possible. He has known that entertainment is his passion for a long time and has relentlessly committed to getting into Drama Studio London since he was 18. Now, in his 20s, Mehmet has made this goal a reality and studies acting fulltime in London.
“Theatre has the ability to make people think & change people. When you do it the right way & put your heart into it’s one of the most beautiful things.”
Mehmet’s experience so far has been amazing. He loves the teachers, he loves the course, but, most of all, he loves the people he gets to spend every day with. Every so often, Mehmet has a “pinch me” moment, when it sinks in that he’s moved to London and is pursuing the career he always dreamed.
Mehmet’s uni experience is enriched by his course mates, with their talent shining through and inspiring him daily. The diversity within DSL has taken the learning experience to another level, being able to learn from peers from all over the world. The university facilitates this incredibly, bringing in professionals from different backgrounds to teach art forms from their culture.
Within Mehmet’s course, there is a huge sense of community among all the students. Every single person is there to support one another and the whole group are genuine friends inside and outside of class. The uplifting nature helps every person make the most from uni, especially with acting opportunities being shared amongst each other.
Mehmet spoke to us about the importance of socialising with the whole UWL community in his free time, and how much fun he has at the events in Freddie’s is priceless:
“Students’ Unions & places like Freddie’s are really important for students’ mental health & social health”
One of Mehmet’s passions is drag. Being a drag queen fulltime is a goal for the very near future for him and something he has done part time for about 4 years. The career possibilities are endless after this, with Mehmet wanting to explore different parts of the industry, including TV and acting.
The entertainment industry is so wide, with endless opportunities. Mehmet aspires to try different careers in his life, as long as they bring him joy! In his words “life is too short” and doing something you love is the most important for Mehmet.
Mehmet has huge dreams, and seeing how determined and hard working he is, we’re sure to see his face on the big screen!